Diablo immortal pc
Diablo immortal pc

diablo immortal pc

Except this time, Diablo Immortal will try to rake in revenue through microtransactions to buy or create powerful in-game items. “If you’re a longtime Diablo player, the result will feel a little different from other PC Diablo games-but we’re extremely excited about clicking Immortal’s demons dead with our mouse, and we hope you will be too,” the studio adds.ĭiablo Immortal will be a free-to-play multiplayer title that promises to offer the classic Diablo feel that gamers know and love. In a blog post, Blizzard also describes Diablo Immortal on PC as “an experiment” since the game itself was built for iOS and Android. However, the PC version will first launch on June 2 as an open beta, so the experience may be a bit buggy. This means players on iOS and Android will be able to play with friends who are running the game on PC.

diablo immortal pc diablo immortal pc

The other notable Diablo Immortal feature is cross-play and cross-progression.

Diablo immortal pc